Ohio's first Public Private Partnership...
Should prompt a number of questions...here are some FAQ's
What is a Public Private Partnership?
It is known as a P3 or PPP in short speak. As an alternative delivery method of construction typically it involves a number of significant features. The Portsmouth SR 823 Project is delivered with a long term total delivery view including Design, Construction, Finance, Operation and Maintenance over a 38 year period of time.
Try again,,,what does that really mean? PPP? P3?
Often in the United States and other countries, governments have raised money to build projects. The longer term care and maintenance of the finished infrastructure has not been adequately funded. The P3 delivery method assures that the project, once completed as built,will have adequate financing for the 35 year period for Operations and Maintenance. In this case a term of 35 years after completion. The project is handed back to ODOT is very good condition after the 35 year term.
How long will SR 823 last?
As long as any roadway built under similar specifications. The P3 methods affords a lifecycle analysis that determines and guarantees a useful life of 35 years under contract by the Developer followed by an extended term of life for the roadway of an additional 40 years at the conclusion of the P3 contract term and handback to ODOT.
I Operate a DBE firm, how do I get a contract with PGG? Who do I contact?
PGG offers may DBE opportunities for qualified entities. These are procured through the projects construction joint venture;PJV - they are accessible via the "Contact Us" link found at the bottom of any page of this website.
What is that large complex of temporary buildings along the Lucasville-Minford Road? Housing for the workers?
Those buildings are not used for overnight accomodations. Those are the office facilities for the Construciton Joint Venture, the Developer, the Independant Qualtiy Firm and the Ohio Department of Transportation officials that are collectively engaged via the P3 during the construction period concluding in December of 2018.
I heard that millions of cubic yards of earth will be trucked away from the site?
Of the 20 million cubic yards of earth that will be moved, the plan is currently to achieve as close to a "balanced" project as possible. That is to say most materials will be utilitized within the 16 miles of project right of way. Although the final design is not complete it appears at this point that there will be some materials that will required to be deposited within approved sites outside the right of way. This will minimize the truck traffic on local roads.
What measures are being taken to protect the local wildlife? What are you doing to limit the impact on the environment?
Portsmouth Gateway Group (PGG) is building and operating the Southern Ohio Veteran’s Memorial Highway (SR 823) project with commitments made to protecting the environment in aspects including but not limited to noise, streams, wetlands, threatened and endangered species, native species, cultural resources, hazardous materials, and erosion and sediment control. Previous studies were completed for these items, and now we undergo constant coordination with state and federal agencies including the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Federal Highway Administration, United States Fish & Wildlife Services, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, and Ohio Historic Preservation Office to ensure that our design, construction, and operation procedures are aligned with the environmental commitments designated to us by these agencies. The PGG has a project-specific environmental management plan that is implemented by the environmental team. This team is on site daily to document and confirm that environmental commitments are being met.
Will SR 823 be a toll road?
No. The new route will not be a toll road.
When will the road be open to the traveling public?
It is anticipated that the route will be open to traffic in December 2018.
Where can I find the local road restrictions and closures?
Restriction and closure information associated with the project can be obtained from a variety of sources. On the PGG website, you may reference the Daily Traffic Updates, and on ODOT’s website, you may find a list of all road restrictions on the District 9 Travel Report. You may also receive press releases regarding traffic impacts via e-mail by joining the mailing list; the link to this registration is under ‘SOVMH Sign Up’ on ODOT District 9’s homepage at http://www.dot.state.oh.us/districts/d09/Pages/default.aspx. And roadway information is also available at www.Ohgo.com. is anticipated that the route will be open to traffic in December 2018.
Why is SR 823 being built?
Formerly known as the Portsmouth Bypass, the S.R. 823 corridor was first identified as part of the Appalachian Development Highway System (ADHS) in 1964 under the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), which serves to encourage economic growth in Appalachia by providing funding for a host of different investments. As part of the ARC’s mission, the S.R. 823 project was developed to end isolation and provide roadway connections that are needed to attract economic development and jobs. While providing improved transportation infrastructure to impoverished areas, the new route will serve to alleviate congestion, heighten safety and improve the movement of traffic through and around Portsmouth, where traffic on the primary arterial roadways of U.S. 23 and U.S. 52 is overburdened by steep grades, excessive curves, many intersections and numerous direct driveway accesses on the routes.
More questions?
Please visit our "Contact Us" page send them in and we will post answers here. You may also sign up for our Newsletter to stay informed of upcoming Open Houses, significant project milestones and other project news as it happens.