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Archival Photos
201807 Rock road bed placement
201807 Excavation for erosion control
201807 Bridge 13 S.R
201807 Staining letter on bridge 1A ra
201807 Slipforming barrier wall at bri
201807 Preparation for rear approach o
201807 Excavator used in placing mater
201807 Rock roadbed compaction along t
201807 Rock roadbed placement along th
201807 Rock roadbed placement along t
201807 Tying steel for bridge deck for
201807 Grading slope along the ROW
201807 Staining letters on bridge 20 r
201807 Drilling for light pole foundat
201807 Piers at bridge 6 S.R
201807 Tying steel for bridge deck at
201807 Tying steel for bridge deck at
201807 Light pole erection along the m
201807 Staining letters on bridge 20 r
201807 Deck pour at bridge 11 S
201807 Tying steel for bridge deck at
201806 Asphalt placement along the mai
201806 Drilling along the ROW
201806 Installation of guardrail along
201806 Soil placement along the ROW
201806 Piers at bridge 6 S.R
201806 Piers for bridge 6 S.R
201806 Slope formation at bridge 9 S
20180623 Bridge beams for bridg 13 S.R
201806 S.R. 823 over Stout Hollow Rd
201806 Barrier and sound wall at bridg
201806 Bridge beam placement at bridge
201806 Concrete curing at bridge 5 S
201806 Slipforming of the barrier wall
201806 Preparation for bridge beam pla
201806 Barrier wall along the mainline
201806 Bidwell preparing for bridge de
201806 Slipforming along the mainline.
201806 Excavation along the mainline
201806 Excavation along the ROW
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